The manager of Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, apologized to Liverpool before their match.

Pep Guardiola
Pep Guardiola

Here are Pep Guardiola’s comments on Jurgen Klopp’s team this season as Liverpool prepare to play Manchester City in the Premier League

This weekend, Liverpool resumes its Premier League campaign against Manchester City.

In their first match following the break, the Reds visit the Etihad Stadium. Liverpool’s fight to finish in the top four of the Premier League is resumed.

Liverpool team

With two games remaining, Jurgen Klopp’s team trails fourth-place Tottenham Hotspur by seven points. Liverpool is also 19 points back of Man City in second place, but they did triumph in the reverse match at Anfield in October.

Both Klopp and Pep Guardiola, the manager of Man City, have said a lot about their respective teams over the years. Guardiola has frequently brought up the Reds, despite the fact that neither club has competed for the Premier League’s top spot this season.

Following Liverpool’s Community Shield victory over Man City in July 2022
Guardiola responded, “We will see,” when asked if the match could serve as a benchmark for the Premier League. I’m not exactly sure what will occur. I’m not seeing this vision.

Liverpool deserves congratulations. The first 15-20 minutes they were better, and after we got our game going, the last 20-25 minutes of the first half were quite similar (between the teams). We arrive when they leave the area.


When they made the transition and took the penalty, things got more challenging. “The second half we started really well, our game was there, we were really good against this team, confident, and creating enough chances to do it.

We started the preseason two weeks ago, so we shouldn’t have too high of expectations. The players heard me tell them how proud I was. We need to get better, and the timing is not the most important thing. We will do it. We need this month, in addition to training, to establish our tempo.

Prior to Liverpool’s matchup with Man City in October 2022
“[Our main competitors] always have been, always are, and always will be. Before Liverpool’s 1-0 victory at Anfield, Guardiola said, “If you asked me that question with 10 games left, I would say I don’t think Liverpool can catch the top of the league.

“However, given our current circumstance and the World Cup, anything is possible. I

“The game has always been challenging, and I don’t anticipate anything different. It has always been this way, and it always will be. I am aware of their character and quality.

“Not because we are ahead [in the league], but rather by what happens on the field, will determine the outcome of the match. My opinion of Liverpool hasn’t changed, in my opinion. They are [our greatest title threat] and always have been.

Jurgen Klopp
Jurgen Klopp

“I am aware of their quality, and they are aware of our quality. I don’t believe Liverpool could catch the league’s top team, in this case, Arsenal, with 10 games remaining. However, given our current situation and the World Cup, anything is possible.”

Following Liverpool’s victory over Man City in October 2022
Guardiola responded to Klopp’s claim that Liverpool were not competing for the Premier League title by saying, “It appears with my statement that I believe more in the Liverpool team than their manager.”

“There are still a lot of games to play, the World Cup is in the middle, Europe is involved, there are cup competitions involved, and there are injuries involved.

“I previously stated that yes, with six or seven games remaining. Even with just 10 games, a billion different things could occur.

Feb. 20, 2023
I would like to say yes, but I don’t know,” Guardiola said in response to the question of whether City’s experience could be the deciding factor in the title race. Every season is entirely unique.

“I always give a key example from the Champions League from years ago, when Milan played Liverpool, and Liverpool made a significant comeback under Rafa Benitez, to my players about this kind of thing.


Milan had the most seasoned lineup I’ve ever seen, including [Paolo] Maldini, Cafu, [Gennaro] Gattuso, and [manager] Carlo Ancelotti, but they still lost despite being up 3-0 at the break.

Feb. 20, 2023
Guardiola said, “I don’t know if we are to blame for Steven Gerrard tripping at Anfield. Were we to blame for that? Although I respect Steven Gerrard, that particular moment belongs to us.

“The Premier League will judge the moments we shared during these years together, but I know what we won and how we won it. I am aware of the work we put in. Nothing that occurred in 2009 or 2010 will change in the slightest.

Guardiola apologized for his comments about Gerrard a few days later.

Guardiola said, “I apologize to Steven Gerrard for my unnecessary and stupid comments I made about him last time.

“He is aware of my admiration for him, his career, and the work he has accomplished in the nation where I live and train. He doesn’t deserve what I said, so I am ashamed of myself.

“I genuinely stand by the statements I made during my previous press conference to support my club, but I didn’t do my club justice by using his name in these foolish remarks.

“I apologized to him directly, but I also need to do so here. Because it was stupid, I’m so sorry for him, Alex, his wife, and their family.


following Man City’s victory over Burnley just before the break
“What is is what is. It’s ideal for me because I’ll be traveling to Barcelona and Abu Dhabi “Guardiola said. “I hope no one gets hurt and has to return. I told the players to return in shape. You are fully aware of your needs.

“You spend every day here working with our fantastic staff and backroom staff. In order to play for your country’s national team, you must be physically fit. Ideally, the managers will take the best possible care of the players.

The remainder of the week will be spent resting, traveling with the national team, returning, and preparing for Liverpool over the course of three days.

Guardiola said yesterday about Liverpool: “We know each other for many years, so one more.

They are still a fantastic team. My viewpoint does not alter. They are equally capable of defeating everyone as we are. Each game is unique.

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